#comingtoPrague: transportation card

Prague has quite a reputation for itself when it comes to public transport. Do you want to know why? It is CHEAP, it is EFFICIENT and it is WITHOUT INTERRUPTION.

When you arrive in Prague, one of the first things you need is to make your transport card. If you want to go to the city center, to the school, to the party ... you will probably jump in a tram, go underground or even try -why not to catch a bus. Without speaking Czech, it might be confusing to know where to go, what to pay and how much. That's why we're here to help!

To get into public transport in Prague, you have two options: you can either get a temporary ticket (up to 3 days), or make a pre-paid pass for a longer period. 

The Student Pass - 7 times cheaper than Paris

As a student, it is recommended to buy a pre-paid pass. You have the choice between a monthly, quarterly or annual pass. Since October 1st, students benefit from MAJOR DISCOUNTS - buying a transport card has never been cheaper!

- Monthly pass: 130CZK ($5,8 - 5€)

- Quarterly pass (4 months): 360CZK ($16 - 14€)

- Annual pass (10 months): 1280CZK ($57 - 50€)

To get your card, you need to visit one of the main offices with a ID card, your European ID card or a passport, and a paper signed by your school. This last paper is really important, do not try to go without!

Click here to see the list of offices ( InfoCentrum ) where you can make your student pass.

 DPP Tariffs as per October 1st, 2018  

The Visitor Tickets - from 30 minutes to 3 days

For visitors, there is no such discount, but the price of a ticket remains really affordable. In the case you have to be a friend or your family visiting, THE HONEST GUIDE made a video to help tourists get a ticket!


If you are still missing information, we are always happy to help! :) 

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Erasmus Prague 2018/2019 by Student Zone

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